Monday, June 17, 2013

Day #36-38: Stratford Week..."I Looove it! ANOTHER!"

Day #36: After waking up from wonderful dreams of Harry Potter (I was flying on a broom stick and...oh wait! I actually did that-HA!), on Tuesday morning our group loaded a charter bus at 6:45am (reminded me of seminary..."Where are the donuts?!") for Stratford-Upon-Avon...but not before we made 3 epic stops along the way! I was totally out of it when we got to Coventry Cathedral (passed out on the bus and had a dream about aliens and waltzing and then my elbow slipped and I hit my head on the window...ouch!) but I perked up once I found out it was where the Lady Godiva (chocolate, what?!) legend originated! I sang a song about her in 5th grade honor choir called "She Shall Have Music"(remember, Ellie??)...its a beautiful I'll tell it :D Lady Godiva's husband put an unfair tax on the peasants of the village, so in defiance she swore to disgrace him by riding nude through the town. The peasants heard of her defiance and collectively closed their windows in respect to her! That's my version at least!

Our second stop was at Kenilworth Castle, a mysteriously beautiful ruin that turned out being a fantastic playground. I had more fun than I should have! Don't think rock climbing was allowed...Oops!

Our last stop was at Warwick Castle = a mini Disneyland & Medieval Times combined. We got to see a real catapult launch, a falconry show, roaming peacocks, archery, and Merlin (Colin Morgan!) set tour! I rather enjoyed that part ;)

By late afternoon we finally made it to Stratford where we got to stay in the cutest bed in breakfast that ever graced England...but really. It was called Forget-Me-Not! I died with romantic contentment :D

We went to the oldest pub in Stratford called Ye Old Garrick were Shakespeare went himself for fish and chips before seeing our first show at the Royal Shakespeare Company Theatre... *drum roll* As You Like It! BEST PLAY I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! My words can't do it justice AT ALL, so here is footage from the production :D

*Yet again, some of the videos won't load but this link will work, or so help me...*

Is that not amazing?! But really. I had to write a response paper about it for my Shakespeare class and MIGHT have gushed a wee bit ;)

"Of all the productions I have seen during this London Theatre Study Abroad, As You Like It is by far my favorite. I was completely absorbed from the moment that Orlando unofficially came on stage to rake leaves with Adam. This choice by the director, Maria Aberg, was one of many genius ideas to make the daunting Shakespeare more relatable. Instead of the overdramatic entrances one typically associates with Shakespeare (as seen at The Globe), this smooth transition into action relaxed the audience. We were able to cast off that intimidation associated with seeing a Shakespeare play, and able to simply enjoy the timeless story."

Day #37: Wednesday started with a full English breakfast provided by the sweetest couple at our B&B...we were very happy about it :)

...and still very tired (our bus driver was next door and watching a game show on repeat the WHOLE night. Paper thins walls had me humming the show tune til 2am! It was delightfully catching! Ba-BAA-Ba-Dub-Ba). We had a Shakespeare OVERDOSE day! We went to his Birthplace, New Place (his home during The Tempest), Nash's House (Daughter's house), and Hall's Croft all before lunch. It was beautiful and cozy! Perfect place to retire! I'm moving to Stratford with my adorable husband, opening up a bed & breakfast and seeing shows at The RSC until we die...yeah that would be perfection :)

Instead of lunch, we had teatime...AGAIN! *Sigh* wish I was British so teatime could be all the time! Opened two weeks earlier by a couple who used to work at The RSC as stage managers, The FourTeas  is the cutest 40s themed teahouse at a fabulous price (should do commercials for them...let's say tea ONE more time.)  "I LOVE  IT!" (So let me explain this quotation... in the course of our study abroad, we have coined signature phrases for each other. For example, Siera's is "Seriously, though...", Charlotte's is "Soooo, yeah...what?", and mine is "I LOOOVE IT!" We still haven't perfected Miranda and Jenna's! But they make us laugh soooo yeah...;) We then went on a backstage tour of The Royal Shakespeare Company theaters and got to see how all the sets, lights, and costuming all comes together. It was mind boggling how many costumes there were...dress up anyone? Next, we made our way over to the Holy Trinity Church were Shakespeare is buried, and I had to take a quiet moment out of respect for The Bard. Props for writing some of the best stories England has to offer. Taking the scenic route from the cathedral, we happened upon the greatest find in Stratford= ROW BOATS! They all were named after female lead in Shakespeare play, so we choose Rosalind a set off down the river...except NOT really. Do you know what difficult? Trying to row a boat with two people at the helm freaking out because you can't turn the boat in the right direction before a river cruise crashes into you! That's stress, people! But once we got the hang of it, it start raining (like The Notebook...where's Ryan Gosling when you need him?), making the whole situation even funnier :) 

That was Charlotte's "Oohp!" Five seconds later the rain started...Goodness, I loved that day so much :) For real, no sarcasm! Later that night our group saw our last show together, which fittingly enough was Hamlet= the quintessential British theatre play of all time! It. was. INTENSE. Guess what the director's name was? David Farr! That's my oh so awesome grandpa's name! (Hi Papa!) The show was modern day also and had you on edge the whole time! My two favorite actors from the previous night's show who played Rosalind and Orlando were now Ophelia and Horatio in this show. Talk about exhausting! When we were walking home, someone brushed next to me on the sidewalk, and when I loved over, it was her! Rosalind/ Ophelia (real name Pippa Nixon) making a beeline to The Dirty Duck (popular pub across the RSC where the actors hang after a show)! So what do you think I did? Have I overcome being starstruck? NOPE! I stared with a gaping mouth mumbling to Siera and Miranda "Its...thats...oh my...Rosa...Oph...LOOK!" Pretty sure I saw her look back at my outburst-Oops! I would've asked for an autograph but she looked desperate for some peace and quiet. I'd be too after such a dramatic death scene! There she is though... the blurry blob :D

Day #38: Waking up to clouds mirrored my mood... I didn't want to leave Stratford at all! But the smell of another full English breakfast got me out of bed ;) Did you know they serve beans with their breakfast? Mmm! We went to Anne Hathaway's cottage (not the actress, but Shakespeare's wife) and the Mary Arden Farm before leaving and soaked up the beauty of the garden and quaintness of the barn (saw the biggest pig of my life! Mammoth pig! It's how I felt after breakfast!) 

On the road back to London, we stopped at Blenheim Palace! Yet again, another place I had never heard about or thought significant UNTIL I overheard this was where they filmed Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet...WHAAAT?! SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!! Let the "being" not the "not being" BEGIN! To complicated? How about "To be or not to be..." (Aww! Flashback to my 1st blogpost! "To blog or not to blog")

It was huge and breathtaking! I have never seen so much cut grass in my was immaculate! The library looked like it was straight out of Beauty and the Beast! We spent a lot of time in the Secret Garden (yes, SECRET! HaHA! So cool.) when we found a little waterfall to throw wishes in. Cute, right? Not with my luck! My pence (not penny!) landed on a leaf! Does that mean my wish still comes true??

Obviously Miranda and I couldn't get enough of Shakespeare, because what did we do right as we got back from Stratford? GO TO THE GLOBE! "Another! *crashes cup*" (Name that Avenger whose movie was directed by Kenneth Branagh!) We waited last minute in line and got awesome standing tickets for The Taming of the Shrew! Woohooo! That's the way to end a very Shakespearean Week :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a whole lot of fun beena!!! Glad you had a wonderful and glorious time in London!
