Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day #39-41 How to Brighton up your day!

Day #39: There is no rest for LTSA 2013 (London Theatre Study Abroad...to clarify!) until you're home! Even though we just back from Stratford the night before, on Friday morning we got on ANOTHER bus! Where did we go this time? Brighton! It was a gloriously bright day to be by the sea (by the sea, by the beautiful sea! You and me, you and me, oh how happy we'll be!...anyone? Random song I guess) so we soaked it up!

Brighton Pier was exciting! Full of carnival games, treats, sun, and the greatest ride ever...The BOOSTER! Enjoy me freaking out! (Uploaded on my youtube page)

When I first saw it I thought YOLO!...but once we got strapped in, the panic started rising out of my throat! "NOOOOAHHHH!" And this is how I felt when I got off...eh!

I'm awake now! Geez, it felt like I was plummeting into the ocean one second then soaring through the sky the next...it was AWESOME! My body was shaking for 10 minutes afterwards. Walking along the shore, we made it to the best donut stand in Brighton...fresh off the line and oh so sugary they melt in your mouth! (donuts are my favorite treat- no joke. I should be a policeman...) Baby angels! We walked along the beach and chased the waves before laying out in the sun (can you tell I'm getting sun burnt already??)

We checked the local shops, and then made our way to The Royal Pavilion which looks like Aladdin should live there...(I'll ride a magic carpet!)

...then relaxed on the beach before hauling back to London town for the evening! I really want to live by the ocean now... (Well, this video worked *sigh*)

Day #40: Saturday had a late start after such an eventful week, but we made the most of it by going to The National Gallery! Seems we've left the best for last in regards to museums because this one was filled with Monet, Van Gogh, and Da Vinci! I even saw "The Girl with the Pearl Earring" that my uncle Stuart loves! Art never ceases to amaze me. The detail a single painting can contain...*no words*.  I loved it!

You know what we still couldn't get enough of...Shakespeare! That night we went to our 1st movie in London which was "Much Ado About Nothing" by Joss Whedon and realized a couple things.

  1. Being a student rocks with all the discounts in London
  2. British movie theaters are less uptight (can bring in own food/ not fancy/ no ushers)
  3. Its called "Cinema" instead of "Movie Theater"
It's showing in select theaters back home, so just in case we could find one, we watched our 8th Shakespeare performance :)

Day #41: Our last Sunday in the London North ward was bittersweet. We had just gotten to know the ward members and now had to go back home :( Even with being late from getting lost, I loved going to church in London! We stayed after for a baptism of a young woman named Shila and it was the most enthusiastic baptism I have been to! She was beaming and wanted to do it again! The missionaries we so proud it was adorable to see their excitement! All the members were warm in welcoming her! I didn't want to leave! But sadly, our last week in London is soon to begin... Better make the most of it!

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