Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day #42-43: Last Week in London: Part 1- "Let It Be"

Day #42: Alas, woe is me! I never thought it would come...my last week in London :( How swift, thou fleeting time, ye steal precious time from me...A POX ON YOUR HOUSE! (Shakespeare lingo is  ingrained into my system now). Not wanting to waste a single second, we packed these last couple days. So much nostalgia already! Monday morning was our Shakespeare final, and after being one of the last people to leave (I. write. so. SLOW. It's a miracle I get through these blogs!), we set off for a very iconic street...Abbey Road :)

Look at that! We thought about dressing up exactly like the Beatles, but wanted to be somewhat original ;) We lucked out with this pic right before a bus rushed by :/ Roma pants were so awesome the bus HAD to stop ;) To the left of this pic was Abbey Road Studios where not only The Beatles recorded, but the film scores for all the Star Wars and Lord of The Rings movies were made! (Ba-ba-ba-ba-bada-ba-bada! Name that movie!) The wall in front of the recording studio has been signed by the hundreds of visitors who've taken the same walk across the street was we did...see!

So somewhere in our crazy escapades, we forgot to got to THE museums of English museums...THE BRITISH MUSEUM, duh! (Talks about it in Michael Buble's "A Foggy Day in London Town" song...which was always in my head!) So culturally overwhelmed... It had everything from historical artifacts to more paintings! (Honestly, I never need to see another museum in my life...but I will cause I LUV 'em!) You can only take so much before this happens...

This is also how we get without food, so we took the scenic route through Borough Market before heading home to write our final Shakespeare essay (Halle-freakin'-lluah!). The sweetest man to ever grace the Southbank gave us a free chicken wrap since he was closing up and didn't want to waste it! WOOHOOO!

Yum :P Unwillingly, we went back to the flat to write our papers... boo..."I don't want tooooo"... 3 hours later... "CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE!"... *Insert me yelling down our hallway then sprinting across the street with my confused friends trailing behind* Needless to say, a study break in Kensington Gardens seemed fitting for our pent up energy ;)

And then I found a solution for not seeing Swan Lake at Royal Albert Hall :)

Lesson learned from our study break? Spontaneous adventures are the ones you remember forever :)

Day #43: Last day of class = Wooohoooo! Our final was the best I've ever had to take (weird...I liked a final!) because it had no math or essay questions. We we're given half an hour to do a scene from a play  we'd studied...but there's a twist! Literally...we had to add a twist to it ;) (sometimes I think I'm really funny) As fun way to end the semester, our professor gave "awards" for our impromptu performances, and mine was "Best Musical Outburst"...yup! Story of my life. I swear, there is a perpetual radio inside of my head that will NEVER turn off! I don't mind too much :) Instead of a trophy we got to pick out of a bag of prizes (1st graders at heart), and I lucked out with rockin' head scarves! ("Am I European yet?" -Miranda)

We checked our list of "Must Do's" from the previous year's group, and went to Hampstead Heath for the day! Supposedly, Hampstead has the best crepes in London, and being amateur crepe critics, it was necessary to try! Soooo we did :)

Hampstead Heath turned out to be a park, but felt more like a forest. So green! Like museums, I don't need go to a park/ garden again! (But I will go because I LUV 'em!) Guess what movie was filmed here?! The irony is beautiful...NOTTING HILL! No joke! It's the scene when Julia Roberts is doing a Victorian set movie and Hugh Grant overhears her talking bad about him, remember? I didn't until afterwards! But the movie I thought was most fitting to have been filmed at Hampstead Heath was much more epic/ medieval ;) Any guesses??...

We took some liberties with the script, but you get the idea! Forget the Shire, couldn't Hobbits live in the Heath?? Frodo would've liked this spot ;)

After our unexpected journey through the depths of Hampstead (get it?!), we stopped at Primark- the "Forever 21" of Great Britain! Although the awesome prices I got for my London jumper (sweater in British lingo) and crazy leggings won me over, the 1 pound ($1 in the States) pack of fruit Mentos sold me on Primark ;) I needed something to make leaving London less painful. (Stop it. We aren't leaving. that's a funny joke, Brianna! We're are tying ourselves to Big Ben and staying here forever. Stop saying such ridiculous things!) Maybe candy for the plane ride back might work! We had to call it an early night since the next day we would be waking up at 5am to see a certain British celebrity... ;) 

To be continued!

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