Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day #1 in London...Am I dreaming?!


After little sleep on a very interesting flight where I sat next to "Barbie" (It was awesome! Pink dress, blonde, heels, girly voice! Made the 9 hours fly by! Haha... see what I did there?) Siera and I landed safe and sound around 8am, then took the Heathrow Express and a taxi to 37 Hyde Park Gate. 

While waiting for our taxi, I felt like I had "I'M AMERICAN!" stamped on my forehead since people kept staring at me! Looking around I realized it was the jeans, wide-eyed expression, and general loudness that probably tipped the poised London-ers off. Oops! Our flat is perfectly situated right in front of Hyde Park..you know... where EVERY ROMANTIC ENGLISH STORY ROAMS! Strolling the park was the first thing we did after unpacking and BOY were my hopeless romantic/ nostalgic sides completely satisfied. 

Flower petals were showering down and streaming through the park as the sun shone through the trees. How poetic! But really... they were! We (my roommates Siera & Miranda) found a spot by a pond with swans ( still not kidding) and read Shakespeare and snoozed for the afternoon (yup! still real life!). The highlight of my day had to be stumbling upon #1 on my London bucket List = The Peter Pan Statue in Kensington Park! Having played "Peter Pan" in the musical version in high school, I've had a fondness for the Boy Who Never Grew Up ever since :) If you haven't read the novel by J.M. Barrie...do. it. now! Such a happy classic! 

Before getting a tour with our professors and the rest of our group of our classrooms and the local area, I got to Skype Mom and iMessage Dad (bless you modern technology!) letting them know I survived the jump over the Big Pond (confession time: our flight had the GPS on TV screens and when we started flying over the Atlantic, I had to distract myself from freaking out with "what ifs"! What if we crash?! And mine is the only vest with a hole in it?!) By the time the Neighborhood Walk was over, the whole group was pretty slap happy from lack of sleep, and we struggled to get our final errands done. Just my luck to have everything from temperamental ATMS to spending an extra hour trying to find a store that sold towels try and kill my joy...BUT! It all worked out :) Heavenly Father has a way of looking out for us when we show gratitude to Him and when we try our best. I could have been irritated, but instead I looked up and remembered that WHOA! I'm in LONDON :D Am I dreaming?! Nope, Brianna. You're living the dream :)

(P.S. More videos to come...blessed technology doesn't always like me at first)

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