Thursday, May 9, 2013

DAY #3: Heavenly Grilled Cheeses & HOT BUNS :)

With every new corner I turn, or Tube line I take, or Double-Decker bus I ride, I'm even more convince that I can NEVER get enough of this beautiful city! Even when it rains (like A LOT!) for the first time and you completely forget a coat and umbrella (yup, this girl right here! Pompously thought I was impervious to the weather today but was quickly humbled...), a "Foggy Day in London Town" can be breath-taking.
Don't believe me? Well here's my 1st successful artsy picture! *Drum roll*.... Southwark Chapel, everyone!

We started the day with our first tour...Middle Temple! Don't worry... I had NO idea what it was either, but definitely worth seeing because not only does the main hall look like the Great Hall in Hogwarts, but Prince William was there! Missed him by 2 stinkin' days! I guess the closest I'll get is sitting in the chair he sat in looking just as princely...

Taking the scenic route past St. Paul's Cathedral, over the Thames, past the Tate Modern Museum, then THE GLOBE THEATRE (part of me died when we simply passed by it... the other (eviler) part of me wanted to rush in and scream "FIRE!" Hahaha *cough, cough*... but that's a cruel joke seeing that it actually burned down centuries earlier. Shame on me! These villains we're studying in Shakespeare are rubbing off I guess ;), our group finally reached the infamous Borough Market! Professor Threlfall said he'd flunk us if we didn't try the "best grilled cheese will change your life." A good student never disobeys her teacher and you don't have to tell me to eat twice! He was right...MY LIFE HAS CHANGED! NEVER HAVE MY TASTED BUDS BEEN SO SATISFIED! If Heaven were a grilled cheese sandwich, this one was purely celestial :P (see! We're so overwhelmed, we don't even know what to do with our faces!)

I will for sure go back to Borough Market again! Shout out to my little sis, Jenna! She would've killed to be there since she has a fondness for fancy cheeses, breads, and treats. Think Central Market times a million, Bo! Miss ya ;) While riding the Tube back to our flat to catch up on homework and much needed sleep (Surprisingly, I can only be so slap happy for so long!), we kept seeing a bunch of attractive British men! Like, I normally wouldn't mention it, but they were literally EVERYWHERE! My friends and I cleverly came up with a code word for it: Hot Brits= Hot Buns! (Get it?? H & B?? Not too clever but we needed to think fast!) So if one of us would see an HB, we would confirm that we saw them by stating "Cheers!" Ok, yeah, I know! Obnoxious! But what do you expect from silly college girls! We are simply "window shopping" :) Later in the evening we rushed to the northern side of London to see a small production of Shakespeare's "Othello" as a group. It was held in a black box theatre above The Lion & Unicorn Pub and WOW. The cast was right up in you face with only 70 people in the audience (Othello was def a HB! And Cassio!) making the already tragic story of jealousy even more bittersweet...I LOVED IT! 

I get teased for having a weird soft spot for tragic things. For example (name that movie!...especially you, Ellie Sloan!)! Ask me what my favorite movies are, and I'll tell you: Phantom of the Opera, Count of Monte Cristo, Ever After, West Side Story, Titanic, Man in the Iron Mask, etc...catching the pattern here? I can't help my passionate/ theatrical self! Speaking of which, I must finish The Tempest before the morning...yay to more Shakespeare! Cheers! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Bah...I love grilled cheese. Well really any combination of carbs and cheese...fondue, quesadillas, macaroni, you get the point. That sounds yet again like an insanely fun day. I love your cute personality coming through your posts. P.S. your outfit is adorable, I need one of those shirts. Keep on keepin on lil mama!
