Monday, May 6, 2013

To Be or Not To Be a Blogger...

Hello! I'm Brianna and for the first time ever... I'm going to be a blogger! Typically I get lost soaking up everything to stop and document my life, but with the start of some great adventures coming my way, it needed to happen. Currently a student studying Theatre Education at Brigham Young University, today I fly to London for study abroad! To say I'm excited is a gross understatement...I'M FLIPPIN' ECSTATIC!!! I've been counting down since November 2012 when I got accepted to the London Theatre Study Abroad program with BYU. It's finally happening! Ok, yes! prepared to see a lot of exclamation points because I'm very theatrical, and prone to random spurts of excitement when I think of living in Europe for 2 months! Sue me! Here's a video of the drive to the airport to explain...

Just wait til I get to London hahahaha... anyways! 

I am so grateful for this opportunity. I've had so much love and support for my family and friends. THANK YOU! I wouldn't be having this adventure without y'all. I hope this blog helps to show my gratitude. I think the thing I'm most excited for is the cultural experience of living in a new country. Granted, they speak English, but still. I love people watching and trying new things. Did you know that London is considered the leading global city with the most prolific theatre in the world? Wow. Luckily, I don't have to share this experience alone. My best friend Siera Sudbury is coming with me! I remember mentioning the study abroad last semester, and then thinking, "You should totally come!" Six months later, we're waiting to board our flight to the London Heathrow Airport (like literally, they are calling our group to get on next. I got to wrap this up! Flight attendants be bossy!).
Well, I'm about to cross the big ocean blue for the 1st time! London is calling..time to answer :)

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