Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day #14 & 15 What the Crepe?! Helen Mirren, Victoria & Albert, Sherlock, & Churchill?!

Day #14: Ok, for starters...OH MY FANTASTIC!!! I MET HELEN MIRREN TODAY :D Does this make me fabulously famous by association?? (That's a lot of "F" adjectives- my love for alliteration has yet to diminish...I feel no shame!) More on that later, I was just too excited to keep it in! So we pretty much have the best professors ever because they make us peanut butter & lemon curd sandwiches for no other reason then "Your life will never be the same!" Turns out he was right! Look at that man go!

Some girls in our group initiated "Crepe Mondays" when we first got here, so we happily joined after class and were NOT disappointed with the results! How have I not gotten these angelic creations until now?! I must keep my distance and be satisfied with PB & LC as shown above! But who am I kidding?!

Not wanting to waste the vast cultural experience London has to offer, we made our way to The National Portrait Gallery (suffering from a TOTAL sugar overdose! Who'd have thought that 16th century busts could be so hilarious! Museum workers we not amused surprisingly- hehe! But karma had us crash by the Victorian Era paintings...that's #47 Stupid American moment!) that has the only surviving picture of Shakespeare drawn in his lifetime! COOL! Did you know that Princess Kate Middleton is the Patron of this gallery? I kept hoping she'd pop out from behind a painting or something, but she's probably busy trying not to pop right now! Later in the evening, our group went to see The Audience starring Helen Mirren as  Queen Elizabeth II and she was PERFECTION! Its about how the Queen has a private audience with the Prime Ministers behind that famous "10" door in Buckingham Place. Sounds boring, right? (For the "Joe Cool" American guys we sat next to, who were trying to invite us for a night out it was! They left right at intermission after we rejected their offer. They could barely stay awake the 1st half! And we don't do that, yo! BYU study abroad keeps it classy! ) It was witty and mesmerizing...so we waited to see Helen Mirren, AND....VOILA!

FINALLY! A successful encounter with a star! I even gave her the right ticket stub to sign, unlike my chance encounter with Luke Treadaway :/ WOOOHOOO! I have overcome my foot in mouth moment (though I'm sure there will be more to come!) and actually spoke coherent words with her. She said, " Oh I love seeing young girls at the theatre!" and I said, "YOU WERE AMAZING! *Insert nervous giggling*"... so we're getting somewhere!

Day #15: Who else is obsessed with Queen Victoria & Prince Albert after seeing The Young Victoria (starring Emily Blunt, also won best costuming in 2009- SEE IT!)...? Well, I am a HUGE fan and was practically giddy to see the V&A today for class.WOW...it is giant and we only saw a third of it! It houses some of the most historic pieces and artwork ever because Prince Albert loved the arts! Queen Victoria wanted to originally call it just Prince Albert's Museum, but they HAD to be together! Hopeless romantic tearing up, right here! Anyways...The main entrance housed mythological statues by Rodin and Miranda & I just about died because Rodin is a favorite... Geeking Out! Sorry! But it is my blog, so ha! I'll step off my soap box on priceless sculptors!...But look at this one! (Poseidon, watch it!)

We especially had fun in the theatre history exhibit with the costumes before heading to 221b Baker's Street where Sherlock Holmes lived! More costume role play! I could pass off as his secretary, right?

I'm pretty sure the guy dressed up as the Inspector behind me was "Kent" in the King Lear we saw on Saturday! That was in Greenwich... What was he doing here? Oh the life of an actor, I suppose! Still, talk about a small world... he recognized me from being on the front row and screaming in fright at a scary scene. I'm a wimp who couldn't handle a bloody Lear popping out, sue me! Go back to your post! Our next adventure was seeing the Churchill War Rooms from WWII in honor of my dad and Grandpa who love him! It's so crazy, because the rooms were forgotten after WWII and within the last few years were found in the exact same state as if they just left. I was so moved by the blood, sweat, and tears the men put in to keep the war rooms function. It wouldn't have been easy without a vivacious leader like Churchill, that's for sure! This one's for you, Dad and Papa! "Never was so much owed by so many to so few...Never, never, never give up!"- Winston Churchill

1 comment:

  1. Thats awesome Beena! What did they have in the war rooms? Is that where they strategized? Your crepe looks amazing, I love reading your blog. You are hillarious. You will have to keep it up when you are gone for sure
