Friday, May 24, 2013

Day # 16, 17, 18: How to Dance, March, & Survive 627 steps before Tea Time!

You know what I forgot about this Study Abroad in the midst of my adventures? The STUDYING part! Oops! Blogging has been harder to do lately with all the papers and reviews due in class...BUT! At least its not math or science homework... I would die. Give me a paper analyzing the similarities between putting on a play and marriage ANY DAY over Calculus :) Next to alliteration, metaphors are my favorite literary device (GEEK!) and there are quite a few in that prompt! See!...

"A marriage then becomes a live performance of the play. You must be aware of many technical elements in high stress situations and press on regardless of missed cues. There must be collaboration and communication between each other (whether actor and technician or husband and wife) for a lengthy run to be possible."

I was half awake writing this, and have never been married ( still waiting on Prince Harry though! Finding him and his sister-in-law has proven to be harder than I thought-DANG IT!), so hopefully I get an A! As a reward for stellar analyzing, we saw Billy Elliot Wednesday night and OH MY CRAZY! I got chills from that little boy's dancing- it was flawless! This song is my favorite...:)

Bah! No big deal, he's only like...12! He must have come out of the womb doing pirouettes, because I definitely did not, and I'm stuck between envy and awe! This wasn't the "Billy" we saw, but he's still just as amazing! I want to DANCE now! My friends and I have a "dance" for every adventure we've had since being in London, so at the end of our happy study abroad (NOOOOO! Won't. LEAVE!) be prepared for an epic music video ;) Maybe we can call up Billy Elliot to endow us with his magical dancing powers...nah!...I'll get a poster instead!

Day #17: Thursday morning in London...what do you do? (Mom will be happy now!) Buckingham Palace for the Changing of the Guard *trumpet fanfare* and a hopeful glimpse of  the Queen! No such luck on seeing her though, BUT when we first arrived, her crest was flying on top of the palace for ten minutes before it was switch to the Union Jack! When the Queen is at the palace, her crest flies and when she is gone, the Union Jack flies. The first time the flag was ever flown at half mass was when Princess Diana died= Random fact of the day! A bit morbid :/ Anyways... it was so crowded! I didn't know what to expect, so we got there an hour and a half early and scored some awesome spots!...

Best time to be crammed together in a group of random people= when its COLD! Spring in London = Winter in Dallas.(That's 2 = signs 2 many...WHAT'S MATH?!?) They helped block the wind! Just when I thought it would never happen...the Guards came marching in! (I wanted to start singing "Oh, When the Saints Go Marching In", but seeing as that's an American folk song, not so smart! But who knows! Half our hymns/ folk songs go back to the Motherland of England, so it could have worked! Probably would've gotten confused looks or maybe have even distracted the Guards! Oh! Or made them smile! Blast! Why didn't I do it!) It was quite the fanfare, and I bet they get tired swinging their arms like that...

We got the famous grilled cheese from Borough Market on the way back was a delicious detour :) Later our group met up to see One Man, Two Guvnors which basically is the British Servant of Two Masters set in 1963, so hilarious, but some of the references blew over my head! Lots of improv too! They had a girl from the audience come on stage and get covered when the actors had a food fight! I WISH IT WAS ME! How fun :) That's on my bucket list...FOOD FIGHT! I wonder if I can check that one off in London ;)

Day # 18: Next to rainy days, London has A LOT of stairs... and St. Paul's takes the cake on stairs! 627 to the very top! It started off very pleasant with beautiful archways and lots of leg room, but the further up you got, the tinier and more claustrophobic we all felt. It's a good thing I'm not afraid of heights or I would've cried!

My Shakespeare professor almost did- bless his heart! Imagine this face on him! We made it back down alright- FEEEW! I had a video with the epic view from on top, but all you can hear is the roaring wind and see my mouth moving like a fool! So as here is a video from the highlight of my week...Tea Time at The Orangery at Kensington Palace! We went right after and it couldn't have been more perfectly prim and proper!...

The actor in me wanted to step back in time and talk about the latest news of high society..."Did you hear that Lord Grantley is betrothed to so-in-so?" Every girly whim was satisfied today after 10 cups of tea! Yup! I literally soaked it all up! (Well, it was raining, so not everything.) With the tea house being next to Kensington Palace, we had to meander through the Gardens to fully complete the nostalgic afternoon...I survived it all (including a lot of rain!) and was very much satisfied!

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