Friday, May 10, 2013

Day #4: Love vs. Ghost Stories...Notting Hill & Woman in Black!

Being in London is amazing, but to additionally study theater (my major!) , is icing on the *tea* cake (do they even have frosting? I'll have to check that soon!) In class today, we discussed the 3 essentials for theater, which are: 1. Space to perform 2. Actors 3. Audience...which we definitely put to the test today! After the grocery man finally took pity on my lack of understanding British coins, we barely caught the bus back home for lunch. My roommate Miranda eagerly mentioned us going to Notting Hill for our afternoon adventure, wanting to find the iconic Travel Book Co, Store seen in the 1999 film Notting Hill featuring Julia Roberts & Hugh Grant. I loved that movie and cleverly thought, "Oh my gosh! Let's re-create the epic "I'm just a girl...standing in front of a boy asking him to love her" scene IN THE STORE!" Digging through my suitcase, I threw on a similar blue cardigan and skirt like Julia wore and we sent off for Portobello Road! Our quest begins!...

I had no idea Portobello Market was along the way, and quickly remembered the old classic song from Bed Knobs & Broom Sticks "Portobello Road! Portobello Road! Streets where the riches of ages are stowed!" (Remember, Ciera?! Was a favorite of ours along with Hocus Pocus! "NOOOO, Ciera! Not the scary witch movie again!" Love ya, sis!) It was amazing how many antiques covered the sidewalk stands! 

But you know what we couldn't find?! The danged Travel Book Co. Store! Just when all hope was lost (I even rushed into a random cafe asking where the bookstore from Notting Hill from innocent coffee baristas! IT NEEDED TO BE FOUND!), a blue store down a road off of Portobello caught our eye. Without a second though to the other girls now looking in a boutique, Miranda and I raced to what we hoped was our destiny!...

SUCCESS!!! I stupidly sprang through the door all fist pumps and giggling only to remember..duh! This is a bookstore, so be quiet! That #27 for Brianna's loud American moments! Ironically, the front display of books consisted of "How To Behave Properly English" & "The Queen's Manners for Young Girls". Probably should take a note or two :P If the bookstore owner hadn't been so busy, I would've asked him to be my Hugh Grant (very close look-a-like too! A distinct decision no doubt from the boss! He bought out the Travel Book Co. and re-named it The Notting Hill much less confusing!) for the re-enactment of such a classic love scene...but alas (more Shakespearean words!), Miranda will have to do...

Later in the day, we heard awesome reviews about the staged thriller Woman in Black, so to stick to my cheesy theme here in London, we all wore black! Get it?! We were womEn in black! So witty, I kill myself sometimes! I haven't seen the recent movie version with Daniel Radcliffe, but I still wanted to test my wimpiness and see it anyways! We put our brave faces on!...I ain't afraid of no ghost!

Ok, LIES! I was pretty freaked out too see this, but so was everyone else in our little group! Brianna don't do scary movies or haunted house, yo! I pee my pants! The 1st scary movie I saw was when I was 15! Disturbia! I barely made it through but love it now. Here is us preparing ourselves in the Fortune Theatre near Covent Gardens...Eeep!

If you think live theatre can't be scary... THINK AGAIN MISTER! All of us were squealing, jumping, and clinging to each other as the plot thickened and twists got even more intense...and all with just 3 actors! Props for making us pee our pants, Woman in Black!

Wish me luck as I try dreaming romantic tales of British book boys loving me, instead of having a nightmare of psycho ghosts seeking revenge!

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