Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day #19 & 20: "How happy some o'er..." about sunshine in London! :)

Day #19: "But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the East...and HOLY CRUMPETS! Is that the SUN?!" = My thoughts when I woke up on Saturday morning! It's been raining all week, so I was begging for a chance at Vitamin D. I totally get why so many British poets talk about the Sun... its a flippin' novelty here! Not wanting to waste this beautiful opportunity, we spent the day at Regent's Park, along with hundreds of other Londoners. (...yes, I'm a Londoner too. I now accept all perks and responsibilities to such title!). I now quote Prince Albert from The Young Victoria... "There's nothing to rival an English garden..." Amen, brother!

I should've lived in the Victorian Era! Forget air conditioning (hot? in London? HA!), cars (I'll miss you Honda Fit!), cell phones (no more instagrams and picstiches?!),  and TV (NBC is canceling SMASH anyways! I cry if I dwell on it...WHY?!), and bring on the teatime, carriages, high society, corsets and balls! Woohoo! Wait... no movies?! Ok, I cave! Don't think I could handle it...but maybe for a day! I'll just dream about it instead...(yup! That's a field of flowers, NOT snow!)

We swung by Portobello Road on the way home to pick up some trinkets we had our eyes for our family (Ciera, you're going to LOVE it!), and after successfully denying all the tempting treats, we made dinner (we were FAMISHED! A long day in the sun = eat everything at home! Go thing we walked about 10+ miles before! ) and headed once more to The Globe for A Midsummer Night's Dream. I was SO excited! This is my favorite comedy by Shakespeare ( #2 is As You Like It #3 Twelfth Night #4 Taming of the Shrew), so I made sure to elbow my way to the edge of the stage again! If you're not familiar with the play, its basically about four lovers getting lost in the woods and the chaos that ensues after fairies intervene. It's much more witty than that pitiful summary. Lysander was by far the most handsome *cough,cough* I mean most talented actor, and it was the best Shakespeare performance I've seen yet!

Oh! On the way to the show, we saw a film crew outside of St. Paul's! We freaked out and tried to get a closer look, but the cameramen didn't see the potential stars behind them... their lose! I can cross that off my bucket list next week ;)

Day #20: Happy Sunday :) My favorite day of the week! It only took us 2 hours to get to North London for Church... Progress, people! I was grateful for it because it gave me precious time to stop and think on all the blessings my Heavenly Father has given me, and what I want to improve on this following week. Being miles away from what you are used to and the normal routines that make up you daily life is the perfect chance to discover who you are! I am a silly and hopeful girl trying my best to be what Heavenly Father needs me to be for others. If its the roommate who goes on an hour excursion through South Kensington to find a doughnut with you or the crazy flatmate across the hall who keeps you laughing at being terrified of The Woman in Black, I'll be that! He has given me everything and the least I can do is pay it forward by making people's days a little more comical or happy.

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